Max Burgess

[email protected]

(This resume is a mildly redacted version - please get in touch to request a full version)


I’m a high school student, who loves computers. I am a power user of Windows, I also use macOS on a daily basis. I have a small Ubuntu server homelab running a Minecraft server, and a few of the projects listed below. In my free time I enjoy playing video games, especially games like Factorio and Minecraft, but I also enjoy a good story (Heavy Rain comes to mind), as well as various programming projects.


Timetable Tools Python, Flask, PDF scraping

Converts a PDF school timetable into an iCalendar or Google calendar.
(Demo and source on request) Python, Django

A database of panoramas and maps for each of the campsites at Richardsons Beach, Freycinet National Park.
Server Source) (Data Source)

Tally Ninja Python

A system to keep a tally of points for a sports league, i.e. the points of a school’s sports carnival. It supports very advanced scoring methods and more can be added with little effort.
(Demo on request) (

Assessment Stuff Python, Web Scraping, Microsoft Office

Converts a rubric from TASC in conjunction with a spreadsheet into individual Word documents outlining each task in a course.
(Demo and source on request)

Airport API Python, Flask, Web Scraping

An API to provide the flights in and out of an airport, modular design, when maintained it supported Hobart, Melbourne, and London Heathrow airport. Web

Website of “web toys” some are useful, some are useless.


  • Python (Intermediate)
  • Flask (Intermediate)
  • Web (Competent)
  • Docker (Competent)
  • Linux Sysadmin (Beginner)


Race Timing (Volunteer)

Student IT Helpdesk (Volunteer)

Video Editor (Volunteer)